Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Falling Off the Rails


Up until last fall, I would faithfully tap out several pages of a new story every day. I set goals on Nanowrimo, even when it wasn't a Camp Nano or the big Nano in November. I usually made those goals, too. About 30,000 or more words a month. I guess that's why I have five Moon Crusher novels, several stand alone novels and a few other similar projects. 

Cover reveal for Moon Crusher 3 

Then came the time I had to spend more time getting those drafts edited, critiqued, and for some, formatted. I self published Voyage of the Sea Dragon, and I am still proud of that venture. However, I jumped off the tracks big time. Almost all of the last six months has been revolving around editing. Of course, if I want to publish all of the stories I have written in the past couple of decades, I need to do that, but I also have found out just how hard it is to get back into writing. I don't have all the ideas I once had. 

 Very frustrating! (Pixabay)

There has to be a happy medium somewhere. I did have an idea for a sixth Moon Crusher. Now I need to sit down and begin writing. Let Diego Perez explore the universe again with his friends. Maybe find another human...

 AI generated, Pixabay 

I also can't stop editing, either. As I sit here I counted at least 7 novels I have drafted. A couple of them need so much revision, I don't know if they will ever make it to the light of day. But I need to try. 

Time management.... 

Tell me what you do when you get stuck. It doesn't have to be writing, it can be any project. What works for you when you just can't finish (or start) another project? Let me know!

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