My latest publication, a children's early chapter book, called Billy Bob Flybottom, a very tall tale, had its debut last Wednesday, Sept. 1st. I had done a Facebook live (reading stories to neighborhood kids last year), but never did anything interactive where my audience could send comments and messages. I sent out invites the week before, got commitments and then prepared for a live event.
I even had a pair of coveralls to match the theme (as well as a straw hat.) I didn't want to overdo the get up, so kept it at that. I put out my new Billy Bob Flybottom banner Wednesday morning. That was a struggle. My office isn't very big! Later in the day, I worried about too much light in the window for my 6:30 event. I was right. I grabbed an afghan and tacked it up a few minutes ahead of time. That helped some.
Folks showed up, I told about my new book and how it came to be, then had a drawing for a free book. It took all of fifteen minutes. Chatted a while longer, but I really have to work on my tech skills. (As well as my presentation skills--and to think I worked in libraries for 35 years!)
I am an old dog, but I am going to have to take a leap off the porch and embrace some of these ways of interacting with folks. All in all, it was a learning experience and a good one. Now upward and onward! I am leaving the link so you can see my first efforts. Enjoy!